One day while driving home from a meeting, as I approached the top of a hill, I was suddenly face-to-face with blinding sunlight. Everything became hazy with a yellow tint. In an instant, I was unable to see the normal colors of the world around me – everything was a goldish blur as the sun streamed in. I finally put on my sunglasses and was then able to see the full range of colors and I could stop squinting. At …
Tag: God
God wants us to grow. He does not want us to go through life just surviving with the bare nutrients and essentials. He wants us to thrive. Just look around …
By Billy Graham: Chapter by chapter, Graham leads us on a journey in faith. We learn about God and his purpose for our lives; who Jesus is and what he …
Mitch started down a road of not belonging, sadness and strife when he started smoking marijuana in high school and later dealing to earn enough money to smoke himself. Mitch’s …
After getting into repeated trouble in high school, Brian was kicked out of his home and lived out of his car and at friend's houses. He grew to hate the …
Because we live in a broken world, there’s no lack of fear to go around: Fear of getting laid off Fear of the burden of debt Fear of sickness Fear …
A lot has been said and written regarding renewable energy as it relates to sustaining our environment. The use of power sources that are limitless, like the wind and sun, …
We have a small bird bath on our back patio. It’s the solid concrete type with no pump to keep the water flowing…it just holds collected water. From our kitchen …
When it gets right down to it, when real trouble hits home and rough stuff comes your way, what do you do? What do you do first? What do you …
It seems like I live my work-week and much of my weekends with stress at my side. The stresses and demands of the day often take me off task, they …
For me they do. Yesterday on July 11, 2009 I went to a church called Riverstone in Kennesaw GA with a group from a non-profit I volunteer for. I was …