This is a story of the goodness and giving nature of God.
For those of you who follow Christ as Lord of your life, you know that we serve a “good, good Father” as the song goes….a God that’s faithful and shows us lovingkindness.
He said, “O LORD, the God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and showing lovingkindness to Your servants who walk before You with all their heart. 1 Kings 8:23 (NASB)
You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased. NKJV – Psalm 4:7
Earlier last year my son and I started talking about a duck hunting trip over to Mississippi. I’ve not hunted much in my life, but since my son wanted to go, I got interested. I wanted to be with him and experience it with him.
I had a desire.I had two choices as it turns out to pursue my desire.
#1 – Do it ourselves.
We have a place to hunt from, but we needed decoys, a boat, waders, help setting up, camouflage gear, safety input and more. We could have tried going hunting on our own, but I knew it would be difficult, disorganized and likely fruitless.
#2 – Call my friend Dan.
Dan has been hunting nearly all his life. He and his friend Steve are seasoned hunters and all-around great guys. I asked Dan if he and Steve could go with us on the hunt…and provide some needed guidance and provisions. He said yes.
Dan had it all. He had a boat, waders, guns, water-proof clothing, decoys, a great awareness of how ducks respond to the wind, he knew when to hunt and where to get set-up for the best opportunity. Dan took care of us. I felt watched over by Dan and Steve….they had all the insight needed to make the hunt pleasurable and fruitful, if the weather cooperated. On this hunting trip I sought and then allowed someone with vast resources to help.
So, we went hunting and it was awesome.
Did we shoot any ducks?
Well, actually…sort of…just one…barely. The weather really hurt the flow of ducks south. But we laughed a lot, told stories, cooked dinners together, heard some great music and even got the pleasure of swatting at mosquitoes in the summer-like weather!
Now about you and your dreams.
You have things you want to do in your life – dreams and desires you want to pursue…like a perfect hunting trip with your son. You likely even have grand desires you yearn for – things God has uniquely put on your heart. Places you want to go in your life, dreams of emotional or physical restoration for you or your family, perhaps restarting an old hobby or childhood desire…or you may have a dream to serve others in some unique way.
Like my turning to Dan, you and I can either turn to our own limited resources or we can turn to the Father. He has all the resources we need. He has it all. He knows it all.
So, our job is to ask our good, good Father with a humble heart…then say yes in obedience when the direction and provision comes to us.
I encourage you today to do the same. Reach out to God for the needed help for the desire He’s put in your heart.
Prayer for God’s Resources
Lord, help us to learn to turn to You as our source. To look to You as our good, good Father. Let us learn to see the limited nature of our own abilities and resources. You know our hearts, You know our desires, You are the keeper of all things beautiful and great and I pray that You, “my God will meet all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19). Lord help me to turn loose of trying to gain these desires my way, but to surrender to You and, best, may you turn my desires into the desires of Your heart, for your glory. In Jesus name, Amen.