God’s Sycamore Song
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12 (NIV)
God’s voice, or song, can be heard and experienced in many ways, but for me significantly in nature.
The way trees move to and fro, the way ocean waves crash in a rhythm and the hypnotic sound of crickets on a warm summer night. I was on a retreat recently and while out in nature I saw a tall sycamore tree with its huge yellow-brown leaves waving in the steady fall breeze. I saw its waving to and fro as part of God’s song…His beauty on display as a song to me in that moment.
I believe His voice and song is ever-present with us if we just pause to see and hear it. I pray you also see His hand and His voice in the places you journey.
Sycamore Song
Sycamore leaves flap their wings
As if somewhere to go
Tall branches sway both right and left
God’s steady song so ever deft
There they clap so loud and high
Flail so free across the sky
As it is with God’s own sound
It’s always there, it’s His renown
When cold dark days move in to reign
And all appears there is no gain
And golden leaves fall to earth
Lying there they still have worth
They feed and help the tree to grow
Then green again, tis God’s great show
And so it seems when life is grim
No song to sing, no holy hymn
We must recall His strong kind voice
And turn to Him with hearts rejoiced
And sing so loud and strong and free
His song yet crafted just for me
His beauty and His love to see
Grandly wave like sycamore tree
WGS 12/1/20