A most horrific state

On a recent trip I ran into an old friend who had experienced some challenges with his health and family.   In a wearisome tone he accepted his plight….a life without much zeal, purpose or hope.

I heard things like, “What can you say?”…..”I don’t know…”…..”It is what it is…”

There he was….a wandering, broken life in a broken world.    

I felt both loss and emptiness as I drove away. It saddens me that depression and despair seem so prevalent today. After our visit the first line of this poem emerged and I knew it was for God.   I pray for him, myself and others who, at times or seasons, have lost hope.  

It is a most horrific state

To see a life with promise great

Fail to reach the golden rim

Where purpose flows beyond the brim

Where promise and rich life reside

Now destined to no more abide

Where God ordained the life to be

Now sheltered by some sullen plea

An emptiness without a home

A spirit dark now set to roam

A world where grim and lifeless ones

All face despair yet never run

To the One who changes all

Yet, frozen still as spirits call

To the one so lost in pain

He forfeits life and never gains

The love and beauty so ordained

A life not known and now in chains.

Oh turn to Christ, to heaven’s breath

And seek His joy before your death.

Come and know your destiny.

Come and bow on bended knee

And He will fill your lonely halls

With peace and joy that have no walls

WGS 12.29.22

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