Sweet sounds of music

Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalm 150:1-7

I would bet you have musical favorites that stir your soul….songs that you instantly tap your foot to or that you (want to) sing at the top of your voice….sounds that send your heart to places you can’t describe with words. I also experience great delight in music. In this poem I try to express what beautiful music does to my soul….to soar to heaven’s edge. Music, I believe, is one of those mysterious languages God uses to draw us to Him and to allow us to connect to the emotions of our hearts.

Orchestral sounds enrapture me

from heaven’s golden side

Where troubles of today are gone

where holy beings there abide

My heart’s at rest when rhythm lands

so softly on my soul

Oh tender cry so lyrically

emits a wonder none can see

Stirred within my soul just now

and moves to places, I don’t know how

These feelings stir in pasturelands

and rise to heights, where beauty stands

Slow-motion waves of love and cheer

wash my soul and make it clear

Echo of a wondrous past and future still

they tend my soul, and gently fill

Bring longings of a greater day

when all that’s here doth pass away

And stand upon that golden shore

with strings and sounds we can’t ignore.

Lord, I pray that my friends embrace the wonders around them. That the sounds of music are used to draw us to You. I pray that the beauty of the earth that you created and the sounds of music that you enabled, help us to get a taste of Your beauty and magnificence. In Jesus’ name I pray for my friends, Amen.

Cursing the Crisis

The Tiller’s Hand

Words of Glory

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