
I met Enmer today while serving at Atlanta Dream Center in downtown Atlanta.  If you or your group are looking for a simple, effective way to help the less fortunate, Atlanta Dream Center is a great place.  Enmer’s bright smile and spanish accent was hard to miss.  We met on the front porch of the Dream Center and later put together food bags to give to those that lived nearby. While together, Enmer shared about his growing up in Honduras and how his father experienced a miraculous recovery when he came to know God at the Catholic church.

Enmer’s been living in Atlanta for about 5 years and he’s so happy he got to work this week doing planting and laying carpet.  He’s got a real joy about him.  While working very hard day-to-day to earn a living, he was there with us helping serve the poor.  His enthusiasm for life and for the provision of God was astoundingly refreshing.

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