Big Projects that Wait

Sometimes big projects that are new to us or are filled with lots of stages of deployment can seem overwhelming.  We want to get moving but the day-to-day fires eat up our thinking, our energy and our focus.

Sometimes what we need is a set of fresh eyes to ask questions, probe for hurdles, discuss options for how to frame something up…this is our passion at InnerComm.  Helping local government make progress on the big initiatives that often get stuck in neutral.  Being stuck does not resonate with citizens, commissions or councils.  We help you get unstuck.

We combine consulting with business execution scorecard training and implementation to help leaders begin to tackle those big unwieldy initiatives.  We help you step forward, think things through, make bold commitments and then we hold teams and leaders accountable for how they make or don’t make progress.

This specialized form of consulting and hands on guidance helps you reach your goal.  No longer do large, stalled-out projects have to wait.   InnerComm basis its business execution methodology on a combination of the Traction model and the Google OKR model.   Even large organizations like Linked-in are using these tools and processes to knock walls down on progress toward key initiatives.

Let us come alongside you and help your team “move the needle” on initiatives that need special focus and attention.

The Child I Love

Disaster’s Hope

Freedom Now.

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