We went to Hilton Head recently and I got to do something quite special. I sat alone in a beach chair in the water as the tide went out. For 30 minutes my mind and soul were transfixed on the wonder, scale and epic nature of the ocean.
For me, the vastness of the ocean is a powerful metaphor of the immense nature of God and the expanse of His everlasting love toward us. Even the waves lapping on the shore have a healing and peaceful affect that reminds me of His steadfastness and peace.
Sitting there with my feet in the water, I heard the first line below and then the rest came. I hope this picture of the ocean draws you just a bit closer to a better understanding of Gods massive and personal love for you.
Oh! the ocean deep and vast
Its waves and currents so steadfast
What joy to gaze at its expanse
A sight worth more than just a glance
The vastness of the oceans’ shore
Hints of God‘s great love and more
It’s wide and deep beyond my mind
With n’er a limit, fence or bind
As I watch this blue expanse
My soul is drawn to God’s great dance
Where we walk just me and Him
As He sings me sacred hymns
Beyond the oceans edge far out
I can’t conceive of life without
This vast yet loving God who cares
My God whose heart He always shares
Storms will come to shore one day
And skies will change from blue to gray
But as His love resides no less
Within the storms there is no stress
And when we’re gone these waves won’t cease
They’ll come ashore and spread their peace
And call us to our highest aim
To honor Him and live His name
WGS 8/1/21