A Life with Friends
I am very fortunate to be rich in friends, close friends….my wife and family of course, my business partner, small group brothers and others who have come into my life.
Because we are true friends, they can tell me when they think I’m wrong or they can correct some error in my thinking, but even more important that that, their main concern is to move me closer to God, where He can address any issue or fault I have in me. They put my relationship with God ahead of our friendship.
That is rare.
They ask questions to get me to think about an issue instead of telling me what I ought to think or even their opinion. They seem interested in my opinion and perspective more than their own.
This is rare friendship air I breathe and I am grateful for men who turn my head upward to Him and who love me more than I love myself sometimes. So, to honor all of those friends, I wanted to write a word of thanks.
I pray you enrich the friends you have and find those to be close to who can speak truth and put your heart and God’s heart as their priority. I also pray that you know Jesus as your constant friend.
A Life with Friends
Seasons come and seasons go
Yet there’s one thing I firmly know
It’s when we walk the road of life
When with joy or sometimes strife
To have a friend who’s at your side
Who’s never cross or ever chides
Always there and ever same
Expressing love and speaks your name
No matter summer, winter, fall
Their love for me it towers tall
Rarely pointing to a way
But asking what our Lord might say
Rarely telling ‘what to do’
He only seeks what’s God and true
About myself and, yes, my Lord
To draw us close to one accord
In facing life and growing strong
Their love for me, a grateful song
Where I can come and freely share
And not pull back or distant care
They help me grow into my own
The person God saw on His throne
The purist, loving parts to live
Emerging forth by love they give
Calling me to sup with Thee
To rest in Him and never flee
To call Him mine and come to know
A life with friends this world below.
What’s more than all their saintly ways
Tis friendship love of Jesus’ gaze
My closest friend; His watchful eye
Ever there until I die
WGS 12/5/20