One thing is consistent about vacations….you don’t want to leave. You long to remain there for one more swim in the pool or one more hour at the beach. We all want to linger, tarry, continue and remain on vacation. This word remain is the same word used in scripture when Jesus reminds us of a secret to a great relationship with Him.
John 15:5 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (emphasis added)
Take that exquisite idea of “remaining” on vacation and apply it to your life with Christ. Christ wants you to remain in Him, to tarry in Him, to linger in Him…to abide in Him.
The original Hebrew word (meno) for remain actually refers to dwelling as a house guest. Other definitions of this word include abide, continue, to stay (in a given place, state, relation or expectancy), endure, be present, stand, tarry (for).
If we remain with Him, we will less often seek the comfort of other loves for meaning in life…..like work, our ego needs, power, acceptance, new widgets, new jobs or friends. When times get tough, you will abide or remain in something or someone for comfort….will it be the things of this broken world that do not last or will it be God, His Son and the Holy Spirit?
John 16:33 makes us a promise…..”In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
We all know we will run into more trouble in this life….but if we “abide” and remain in Him above all else….as a branch is connected to a vine…we will persevere. Only then will His holy life flow through us. Remain in Him for real life….fulfilled life. Will you do so today?