The sooner professionals ask questions about how to balance excelling at work with meaning in life the sooner real life begins. I believe Randy’s book and his insightful interview format will help others more easily and wisely address this significant life challenge of meaning. By peering into the lives of professionals who have sought meaning in life, others can learn how they processed decisions about work/life balance, faith, family and purpose. Randy has done a great job of helping the …
Tag: joy
Eden Today provides professional Christ-centered, biblical-based Pastoral Counseling and Life Coaching for young adults (teens-college age), men, women and couples. Eden Today can help you… Discover lasting solutions for everyday living. Discern deeper issues …
The story of David Montgomery’s quest to fill an empty place in his heart. His efforts to find peace and calm for his soul through sports, women, drinking, work success, …
“Miss independence” finds dependence in this story of life change. Sharon’s quest for independence in life and a taste for the world’s riches left her empty. In this video find …
I met Karis at Wright Square in Savannah on Sunday April 29, 2012. He’s a registered street performer in Savannah. He’s also poor and without most of the pleasures of …
I really enjoy watching Public TV’s Antiques Roadshow. Hundreds of people show up at their events to see what their special items are worth. I’m always hoping, as I am …
I met a lady recently who was, unfortunately, experiencing the pains of divorce. During our chat, I asked if she had children. Nearly instantly a smile a mile wide came over her, she became …
It was a great joy to meet Ingrid today while serving at Atlanta Dream Center. As she was dealing with some potentially long-term health issue she turned to God. Today, …
I met Enmer today while serving at Atlanta Dream Center in downtown Atlanta. If you or your group are looking for a simple, effective way to help the less fortunate, …
True Identity Ministries is passionate about helping women understand, embrace, and learn to walk in all aspects of their true identity in Christ to be set free to be all God …
In Genesis 34 Moses hangs out so much with God that his face becomes radiant from God’s glory. Whew. That kind of encounter with God has got to be awe …