As we transition from winter to spring it stirs my heart to see life emerge in both animals and plants. It is surely a picture of Easter and resurrected life. Last week, on a warm spring morning, I saw several small birds flittering around our water fountain to get a drink of water. I was reminded of how well they are taken care of, yet how much more God loves and cares for us.
Hope you enjoy this poem about the new life of spring and how the Lord cherishes us.
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
Matthew 6:26-27 (NKJV)
More Divinely Blessed
Dread of winter cold and wet
Piercing bones and causing fret
Long drawn days of gray and gloom
Now fade away, and yield to bloom
Signs of life spring all about
Huddling birds at water’s spout
Where fountain bursts so clean and free
Giving life so they may be
Unimportant as they seem
They’re all of a part of His grand scheme
While some are weak and small in frame
Their life fulfilled reflects His name
He loves the birds and flowers too
Greening grass and all that’s new
Yet we are more divinely blessed
We hold His Spark and so are dressed
For higher realms of grace and life
Where joy and love escape the strife
His love and care to us He holds
And wraps us tight in His spring folds
WGS 4/4/21