No Force Too Strong

I hope this poem is some comfort to those in the midst of difficult circumstances or pain.  Whether it’s those mourning the school shooting in south Florida earlier in February or others struggling with health or other issues.
While rescue may not come when or how we want, God’s promise to stay by our side is firm.   The peace we can find in times of pain is none but Him and His amazing grace.   His grace is there because we are His kin, his family….because He loves us.  No pain or burden is stronger than He.
No Force Too Strong
mEvil sent my way proclaims
“Your days are numbered son!”.
“Oh no they’re not!’ my Lord tells me
“You’re exactly where I can care for thee”.
What seemed an awful fate of man
is now sustained by His strong hand.
While hell’s great fury whirls about;
Though you shake, I have no doubt;
Keeping you through deep dark times
So others can see your new heart shine
on the other side of pain’s great blot
where victory stands firm upon no rot.


By telling your story of faith and hope
You show your world I am Your rope
To hold to tightly when things go bad
To trust with all, when your soul’s so sad.
Know I’m with you, so ever close
When trials hedge you in;
Though you may be tossed about
No force is too strong for My dearest of kin.


God’s Truth in the Bible

God is not human, that he should lie,
not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?

Numbers 23:19 (NIV)

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