Are we explorers or not?

Humans have an innate desire to explore and learn about the things that are important to us.

  • Need to learn how to use the new Apple Watch?  Sure!
  • Need to get your resume redone?  No problem.
  • Need to plan a family vacation?  Absolutely.
  • Need to learn about new players for your fantasy league?  Can do!

But faith?

…do we desire to passionately explore what it means to really know the God of the universe?

…do we desire to explore and engage with the Spirit to better understand how much God loves us or what it means to journey daily with Jesus?

So, why do you, and why do I, settle for such elementary levels in our spiritual life?  Why do we limit our spiritual discovery to merely a belief in God and little more?

Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God. – Hebrews 6:1 (NASB)

One of the reasons we stop developing in our Christian faith is fear.

  • Fear that we may have to change some aspect of our life we like.
  • Fear that we may look stupid to others as a “person of faith”.
  • Fear Of Missing Out – FOMO, as my friend Andy says.
  • Fear that we may experience the wrath of an angry God if we open the “God” box.
  • Fear that we may have to move to Africa and be a missionary.
  • Or perhaps the overwhelming fear of the unknown.

The answer to this puzzle is in knowing who God actually is.  His character.

He is all-loving, perfectly just, completely wise, ever-present, with us in pain, and ever-patient with you and me.   He has a most magnificent life for you and me, filled with deep purpose and meaning.

However, if you do not think of Him this way, words from me will likely not help much.  You simply must hear it from God’s lips.

If you’re up for exploring….just stop now, wherever you are, and ask Him to help you see Him for who He truly is. Ask Him who He is and what He thinks of you.  Or…you can read what God’s Word says about who God is.

If you and I hold back and stop exploring, we’re “like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea”, as CS Lewis says.

Don’t settle for $1,500 when you can have $30 million.

Don’t hold back….hold on!

Surrender and turn to Him and then get ready to have the most fantastic, awesome, fulfilling, loving, peaceful life there is.  You will still experince problems in this broken world, but you’ll pass through them with His deep abiding presence and peace.   This peace only comes as you and I explore and experience more and more of Him.

Be bold.   Move toward Him.


James 4:8 (NIV) reminds us to “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”


Lord, may we all chose to come closer to You….to know You more.  To take that next step of faith, even if it’s small and encounter Your greatness, Your love, Your mercy, Your peace, Your kindness.  Lord help us to know more of who You are.   Spirit renew my mind, change me from carnal to spiritual.   Lord, may I choose this each day. In Jesus name.  Amen

Gods Sycamore Song

The Source

Edge of Darkness

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