One day a little boy excitedly hopped on his new bike to join his friends when all of a sudden the chain came off. He tried to fix it but couldn’t. He didn’t know that the nut holding the tire on was loose, making the chain perpetually loose.
He was so desperate to ride he borrowed his sister’s bike, but was soon felt defeated having to ride a bike with pink tassels hanging from the handlebars. So, he sat on the sidewalk and sulked watching his friends have fun.
He kicked the ground angrily when his friends decided to ride to a park a few miles away. He was left behind since he couldn’t fix his bike. When he got home took his frustrations out on those closest to him including his sister and his Mother.
When his Dad came inside from his workshop he didn’t launch into discipline-mode as you might expect. Consequences would come later. The Dad only wanted to know why his dear son was upset. The boy finally broke down and told his Dad that he was mad that he was left out of a bike ride with his friends because he was unable to fix his bike.
At last the boy asked, “Dad, can you look at it?”
With his hand on his son’s shoulder, the two walked next door, picked up the bike and took it to the workshop. “OK, let’s see. Here, son, help me pull this tire back and let’s tighten this nut. Yeah…that should do it.”
The bike was fixed in no time.
In his frustration and disappointment, the little boy had forgotten who his Father was….he was the owner of the largest sporting goods store in town and his Dad grew up in the business repairing bikes for a living.
Whether it’s your heart, your business or your bike, God wants you and me to turn to Him. He is a gentle Father who wants to help us recover what was lost, heal that which is hurt and restore what was damaged. Will you take your broken bike to Him now?
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 (NIV)
Lord, when things go wrong in my life help me to remember that You are the source, the healer. When my heart is broken or when my bike is broken, help me to remember who You are. You are not a distant Father, harsh and cold. You have ALL the resources I need. You want to be with me, talk to me, guide me by the hand and help me deal with my issues. Lord, help me to turn to You first, not last. Help me to so trust You and believe in Your goodness that I run to You. You are the one true God – come and heal me now. In Jesus’ name. Amen.